网站名称:中国野生动物保护协会 |
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所属类别:环境保护 |
所属国家:中国 |
所用语言:中文简体 |
更新时间:2024-05-12 |
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中国野生动物保护协会(简称“CWCA”)成立于1983年12月,位于中国首都北京,是中国科学技术协会的直属会员单位,并在国家林业局的领导下运作。作为中国领先的保护动物的国家级组织,CWCA致力于推动野生动物保护事业的长远发展,为保护和拯救濒临灭绝的珍稀动物做出重要贡献。作为中国唯一的国家级野生动物保护协会,CWCA的主要任务包括:执行国家保护野生动物的法律、法规,开展野生动物保护的宣传教育活动,推动野生动物保护的科学研究,促进学术交流,提供与野生动物保护相关的技术咨询服务,筹措野生动植物资源保护基金,开展与世界各国自然保护组织和机构的合作和交流。China Wildlife Conservation Association (CWCA) was officially established in Beijing in December 1983. As a subordinate organization under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it operates under the leadership of the State Forestry Administration. As the leading national organization for wildlife conservation in China, CWCA is committed to promoting the long-term development of wildlife protection and making significant contributions to the conservation and rescue of endangered and precious wildlife.As the only national wildlife conservation association in China, the main tasks of the CWCA include: implementing national wildlife protection laws and regulations, promoting wildlife protection education, promoting wildlife conservation research, facilitating academic exchange, providing technical consulting services related to wildlife conservation, raising funds for wildlife conservation, and engaging in international cooperation and exchanges with wildlife conservation organizations and institutions worldwide.
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